16 março 2009

O cabo das audiências (e retorno)

Audiences Turn to Cable and Web
Percentage Change in Audience, 2007 to 2008, Across Media

Change in Ad Spending by Medium
2007 to 2008

Audience: In a big news year, most media continued to see audiences shrink.

Only two platforms clearly grew: the Internet, where the gains seemed more structural, and cable, where they were more event-specific.

The data also suggest a clear trend in the changing nature of how Americans now learn about the world around them. People are relying more heavily — both during peak moments and in general — on platforms that can deliver news when audiences want it rather than at appointed times, a sign of a growing “on demand” news culture. People increasingly want the news they want when they want it. (in The State of the News Media 2009 on the health and status of American journalism)