28 janeiro 2021

Cybersecurity and digital privacy are major concerns for today’s journalists. As more journalists work remotely, the amount of time we spend online continues to grow. With online threats becoming more prevalent and sophisticated, we must understand how our data might be compromised and what to do to protect it. This is especially the case for investigative journalists who face more significant digital security threats given the sensitive information they handle. But the digital footprints we leave behind don’t just impact us professionally. Not adhering to digital hygiene best practises can also compromise us and our contacts personally. The good news is a tremendous amount of digital security resources, tools and information exist online to help safeguard you and your data. https://datajournalism.com/read/longreads/privacy-day-security-guide


Relatório Anual PTSOC 2020 “Ano da ciberpandemia” https://www.dns.pt/fotos/editor2/relatorios/relatorio2020_ptsoc.pdf


Europol: Law enforcement and judicial authorities worldwide have this week disrupted one of most significant botnets of the past decade: EMOTET. Investigators have now taken control of its infrastructure in an international coordinated action. This operation is the result of a collaborative effort between authorities in the Netherlands, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Lithuania, Canada and Ukraine, with international activity coordinated by Europol and Eurojust. This operation was carried out in the framework of the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT). https://www.europol.europa.eu/newsroom/news/world%E2%80%99s-most-dangerous-malware-emotet-disrupted-through-global-action


26 janeiro 2021

President-elect being urged to take strong action against likes of Facebook and Google https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/biden-tech-facebook-twitter-plans-b1789207.html


O Observatório Europeu do Audiovisual (EAO) publicou recentemente um relatório sobre os desafios da inteligência artificial (IA) no sector audiovisual. Em síntese, refere o EAO, "máquinas que criam conteúdo e gerem grandes quantidades de dados de forma independente: o material de sonhos... ou de pesadelos? A IA está lenta mas seguramente a invadir todas as esferas da vida, desde a voz amigável que nos cumprimenta com um "bom dia" nas nossas residências conectadas, até algo mais sinistro.... http://tictank.pt/2021/01/26/quais-sao-os-desafios-da-inteligencia-artificial-para-o-sector-audiovisual/


Comissão lança consulta pública sobre transparência da propaganda política A Comissão Europeia lança hoje uma consulta pública sobre a transparência da propaganda política, dando seguimento aos compromissos assumidos no Plano de Ação para a Democracia Europeia. Apresentado em dezembro de 2020, o plano de ação anunciou que a Comissão irá propor legislação sobre a transparência dos conteúdos políticos patrocinados. A proposta abrangerá a publicidade, tanto na Internet como fora dela, e complementará as regras estabelecidas na proposta da Comissão para o Regulamento Serviços Digitais, com o objetivo de dispor de regras específicas suficientemente antes das eleições para o Parlamento Europeu de maio de 2024. A consulta pública visa recolher opiniões de um vasto leque de partes interessadas — membros do público em geral, académicos, outras empresas, ONG, organizações de comunicação social, autoridades públicas e partidos políticos. Os interessados em participar na consulta pública podem preencher um questionário, que estará disponível em linha de 25 de janeiro a 6 de abril de 2020. https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/12826-Transparency-of-political-advertising/public-consultation


25 janeiro 2021

A robotização nem sempre faz decrescer o emprego ou os salários a médio ou longo prazo, afirmam investigadores da Universidade de Coimbra. No entanto, após a sua introdução, é notória uma queda nesses dois factores, com uma retoma a ocorrer apenas mais tarde. Os investigadores explicam esta dinâmica, salientando que "quando os robôs não são adoptados, se a produtividade dos robôs está a aumentar mais do que a produtividade do trabalho está a diminuir, então, eventualmente, os robôs serão adoptados numa determinada zona onde antes não eram usados".... http://tictank.pt/2021/01/25/um-seculo-depois-ainda-ha-poucas-certezas-sobre-os-robos-e-o-seu-impacto-no-sector-laboral/


O senador Bernie Sanders, eleito pelo estado do Vermont, foi uma das figuras centrais na tomada de posse dos novo presidente dos EUA, Joe Biden. Sanders foi fotografado com umas "mittens" (luvas de lã fechadas, por vezes apenas uma separação entre o polegar e os restantes dedos) e a imagem foi replicada em diferentes situações. Brendan Smialowski, o seu…... http://tictank.pt/2021/01/25/como-as-mittens-de-bernie-sanders-passaram-de-meme-para-a-publicidade/


A noyb apresentou na passada sexta-feira, 22 de Janeiro, uma queixa em nome de seis eurodeputados do Parlamento Europeu (PE). As principais questões levantadas são os "banners" de cookies enganosos de um site interno de testes de coronavírus, o vago e obscuro aviso de protecção de dados e a transferência ilegal de dados para os EUA. O site de testes COVID encaminhou dados para terceiros.... http://tictank.pt/2021/01/25/transferencias-de-dados-para-eua-e-informacoes-insuficientes-de-cookies-motivam-queixa-contra-pe/


23 janeiro 2021

This article presents a study about artificial intelligence (AI) policy based on the perceptions, expectations, and challenges/opportunities given by chief information officers (CIOs). In general, publications about AI in the public sector relies on experiences, cases, ideas, and results from the private sector. Our study stands out from the need of defining a distinctive approach to AI in the public sector, gathering primary (and comparative) data from different countries, and assessing the key role of CIOs to frame federal/national AI policies and strategies. https://journals.uic.edu/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/10648


Segundo um recente estudo, a inteligência artificial (IA) pode contribuir para ajudar os consumidores de notícias a entender a veracidade das mesmas mas isso apenas ocorre quando a notícia está a surgir pela primeira vez, altura em que melhor se pode "ajudar a mitigar as consequências negativas da desinformação". "A detecção de notícias falsas e enganadoras tornou-se uma das principais prioridades para investigadores e profissionais.... http://tictank.pt/2021/01/22/como-pode-a-inteligencia-artificial-ajudar-no-combate-as-fake-news/


Social media platforms are the broadcasters of the 21st century. Like traditional broadcasters, social media platforms choose—through their algorithms—which stories to amplify and which to suppress. But unlike traditional broadcasters, the social media companies are not held accountable by any standards other than their own ever-changing decisions on the types of speech they will allow on their platforms. And their algorithms are not transparent. https://themarkup.org/citizen-browser/2021/01/05/how-we-built-a-facebook-inspector


21 janeiro 2021

Phantom Malware: Conceal Malicious ActionsFrom Malware Detection Techniques byImitating User Activity State of the art malware detection techniques only consider the interaction of programswith the operating system’s API (system calls) for malware classification. This paper demonstrates thattechniques like these are insufficient. A point that is overlooked by the currently existing techniques ispresented in this paper: Malware is able to interact with windows providing the corresponding functionalityin order to execute the desired action by mimicking user activity. In other words, harmful actions willbe masked as simulated user actions. To start with, the article introduces User Imitating techniques forconcealing malicious commands of the malware as impersonated user activity. Thereafter, the concept ofPhantom Malware will be presented: This malware is constantly applying User Imitating to execute eachof its malicious actions. A Phantom Ransomware (ransomware employs the User Imitating for every ofits malicious actions) is implemented in C++for testing anti-virus programs in Windows 10. Software ofvarious manufacturers are applied for testing purposes. All of them failed without exception https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=9186656#abc


"Frenologia" tem um tom antiquado. Parece pertencer a um livro de história, arquivado nalgum lugar entre sangramentos e velocípedes. Gostaríamos de pensar que julgar o valor das pessoas com base no tamanho e forma dos seus crânios é uma prática que ficou para trás. No entanto, a frenologia está mais uma vez a mostrar a sua cabeça protuberante. Em anos recentes, algoritmos de aprendizagem por máquina ("machine learning") prometeram a governos e empresas privadas o poder de recolher todos os tipos de informações a partir da aparência das pessoas.... http://tictank.pt/2021/01/20/algoritmos-que-associam-aparencia-e-criminalidade-tem-um-passado-sombrio/


We should err on the side of caution and stop the global roll out of 5G (fifth generation) telecoms networks until we are certain this technology is completely safe, urges an expert in an opinion piece published online in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. There are no health concerns about 5G and COVID-19, despite what conspiracy theorists have suggested. But the transmitter density required for 5G means that more people will be exposed to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs), and at levels that emerging evidence suggests, are potentially harmful to health, argues Professor John William Frank, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh. https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/stop-global-roll-out-of-5g-networks-until-safety-is-confirmed-urges-expert/


15 janeiro 2021

While public discussion concentrates on the idea of autonomous driving as an added feature in a vehicle, could it turn out that the real advantage lies in interoperability? Artificial intelligence (AI) is empowering what has arguably become one of the most important trends in the automotive industry: autonomous driving. Manufacturers are already equipping their entry-level vehicles with emergency braking, collision warning and blind spot monitoring, and offering other advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) as options, such as autopilot, auto lane change, autopark and summon. Even when these ADAS still require a human in the loop, they are clearly pushing towards level 5 vehicle automation. http://www.vatcompany.net/?p=6020


The post-COVID era will be shaped more definitively by technology than any other force in the global theatre today. The way people work and interact with their workplaces and the way companies operate will see tremendous changes. We can group them under five core themes: work from anywhere; work for all; work at will; work smarter; and work for planet. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/01/5-themes-that-will-define-the-future-of-work/


Here’s the current snapshot: Women make up half of our workforce (47.1%), including at the leadership level: directors and above (47.8%), vice presidents (43.7%) and senior leadership (47.6%). Nearly half of our U.S. workforce (46.4%) and leadership (42.0%, director level and above) are made up of people from one or more underrepresented racial and/or ethnic backgrounds, including Black, Latinx or Hispanic, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, Asian, and Pacific Islander backgrounds. The number of Black employees in the U.S. doubled in the last three years to 8% of our workforce and 9% of our leadership (director level and above). https://about.netflix.com/en/news/netflix-inclusion-report-2021


12 janeiro 2021

The Portuguese presidency has made strengthening the European Research Area (ERA) a priority over the next six months, with the country’s research minister, Manuel Heitor saying that integrating different European, national and private funding streams is key to making this happen. Convergence of the different programmes: Horizon Europe, the €750 billion COVID-19 recovery fund, EU cohesion money and national R&D funding, is vital for raising the overall level of investment in science, Heitor believes. “The issue of articulating and improving synergies of funding will be critical for guaranteeing that in the coming decade we increase overall public and private expenditure,” he said. https://sciencebusiness.net/news/portuguese-presidency-sets-out-revive-european-research-area


O .PT fechou 2020 com um novo recorde, ao contabilizar 96.715 novos registos em .pt, mais 18.020 do que em 2019, o que representa um crescimento de 22,9% e torna o último ano no melhor de sempre. ... Se aos registos diretos se adicionarem os registos via Empresa na Hora, o valor total anual ultrapassa os 130 mil, mais 9.893 do que em 2019. https://www.dns.pt/pt/noticias/pt-cresce-22-9-e-atinge-recorde-em-2020/


As redes sociais ajudaram Donald Trump a ser presidente dos EUA, acobardaram-se com ele após os resultados finais das recentes eleições e tentaram silenciá-lo demasiado tarde mas nada disto significa qualquer atentado à liberdade de expressão. O poder dos media sociais só ocorre se não existir qualquer plataforma concorrente onde essa liberdade de expressão se possa expressar. Daí o exagero de quem defende que o presidente dos EUA está a ser atingido na sua liberdade de bem dizer o que lhe apetece apenas porque o Twitter não lhe dá espaço.... http://tictank.pt/2021/01/12/primeiro-foram-atras-de-trump-e-nao-se-fez-nada-porque-era-trump/


11 janeiro 2021

Antitrust advocates allege market-leading “superstar” firms—particularly in digital industries—succeed through anticompetitive conduct. But evidence shows they outperform competitors by investing in innovative technologies and global operations that create more value. https://itif.org/publications/2021/01/11/monopoly-myths-are-superstar-firms-stifling-competition-or-just-beating-it


Qual é o custo da propaganda, da desinformação e das teorias da conspiração? A democracia e a segurança pública, para citar apenas duas coisas. Os Estados Unidos receberam uma dura lição sobre como a propaganda online e a desinformação têm um impacto offline. Durante meses, Donald Trump alegou falsamente que a eleição presidencial de Novembro foi uma fraude e foi por isso que não foi reeleito.... http://tictank.pt/2021/01/11/qanon-no-capitolio-dos-eua-o-efeito-offline-das-teorias-da-conspiracao-online/


On December 13, 2020, FireEye published a blog post detailing a supply chain attack leveraging Orion IT, an infrastructure monitoring and management platform by SolarWinds. In parallel, Volexity published an article with their analysis of related attacks, attributed to an actor named “Dark Halo”. FireEye did not link this activity to any known actor; instead, they gave it an unknown, temporary moniker – “UNC2452”. This attack is remarkable from many points of view, including its stealthiness, precision targeting and the custom malware leveraged by the attackers, named “Sunburst” by FireEye. https://securelist.com/sunburst-backdoor-kazuar/99981/


07 janeiro 2021

https://www.dns.pt/pt/noticias/novas-regras-de-registo-de-pt-entram-em-vigor-a-2-de-fevereiro/ (as novas regras estão disponíveis em https://www.dns.pt/fotos/editor2/regras_de_registo_de_.pt-draft_final.pdf)


Twitter's not the only company that seems to be having a change of heart in the wake of yesterday's events, either. YouTube was the first of the big social platforms to take down a video that President Trump posted, in which he both told rioters to go home … and peddled the same election-steal lies as always. Facebook followed suit, and also banned Trump from posting, including to Instagram, for 24 hours. Mark Zuckerberg sent a note to Facebook staff acknowledging that the team had removed Trump's video. "We are treating this situation as an emergency," Zuckerberg said, "and we are implementing additional measures to keep people safe." Those additional measures: Removing broad swaths of content, changing the way it labels problematic content, and making it hard to spread misinformation in groups. A lot of tech leaders wanted to see Trump banned from these platforms. https://www.protocol.com/newsletters/sourcecode/trump-gets-deplatformed?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1


The judges said the U.S. group copied their ‘Nearby’ feature from Italy’s Business Competence’s app ‘Faround’, which allows users to identify shops, clubs, restaurants in their surrounding area through geolocalisation. The court’s decision upheld a 2019 ruling but increased the amount of damages that Facebook will have to pay, initially set at 350,000 euros. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-italy-facebook-court-idUSKBN29A1YW


04 janeiro 2021

This article offers four contributions to improve our understanding of consent in the digital world. First, we offer a conceptual vocabulary of “the pathologies of consent” — a framework for talking about different kinds of defects that consent models can suffer, such as unwitting consent, coerced consent, and incapacitated consent. Second, we offer three conditions for when consent will be most valid in the digital context: when choice is infrequent, when the potential harms resulting from that choice are vivid and easy to imagine, and where we have the correct incentives choose consciously and seriously. The further we fall from these conditions, the more a particular consent will be pathological and thus suspect. Third, we argue that out theory of consent pathologies sheds light on the so-called “privacy paradox” — the notion that there is a gap between what consumers say about wanting privacy and what they actually do in practice. Understanding the “privacy paradox” in terms of consent pathologies shows how consumers are not hypocrites who say one thing but do another. On the contrary, the pathologies of consent reveal how consumers can be nudged and manipulated by powerful companies against their actual interests, and that this process is easier when consumer protection law falls far from the gold standard. In light of these findings, we offer a fourth contribution — the theory of consumer trust we have suggested in prior work and which we further elaborate here as an alternative to our over-reliance on consent and its many pathologies. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3370433


2020 ficou obviamente marcado pela crise pandémica e alguns dos artigos mais vistos registam essa tendência. Mas outros mostram o interesse pela novidade dos livros publicados este ano sobre as TIC também em Portugal, a privacidade ou a cibersegurança. Escolhendo o artigo mais visto para cada mês, a lista é um conjunto diverso de temas a que o TICtank presta atenção.... http://tictank.pt/2021/01/04/os-12-trabalhos-mais-vistos-do-ano/


* O que esperar de 2021 * Cinco forças de disrupção * Tendências e mais tendências * 24 ideias que podem mudar o mundo * Riscos e oportunidades para o próximo ano * Tecnologias a moldar o futuro humano (por exemplo, os implantes híbridos) * Previsões para o jornalismo e os media pela Kantar * Como será a…... http://tictank.pt/2021/01/04/2021/
