25 abril 2007

Entrevistas - por telefone ou por email?

Interview etiquette: Fred Vogelstein, the Wired reporter whom Microsoft's public relations agency played so expertly earlier in the year, pinged Jason Calacanis and Dave Winer for interviews. Each, independently, said they'd reply in writing and, when Vogelstein pressed for a phone interview, went public, here and here, on their respective blogs, of course, about how they didn't trust that a phone interview would be accurately reported. For three reasons, the traditional journalistic insistence on phone interviews is misguided.

Dave Winer: Transcription errors: Here's what I said: "Not generally doing interviews these days. If you have a few questions, send them along, and if I have something to say, I'll write a blog post, which of course you're free to quote. Sorry that's about the best I can do."

Jason Calacanis: WIRED journo won't do email interviews--ironic.
WIRED Interview standoff resolved--taped phone interview coming!

A wired writer who won't do an email interview

Interviews, Email or Live: Every journalist should have the experience of being covered by journalists. Nothing would improve the craft more.

Wired/Calacanis Spat: Old Media And New Media Battle For Pageviews