30 março 2009


The Civil Heretic: How did Freeman Dyson, the world-renowned scientist and public intellectual, wind up opposing those who care most about global warming?

Daniel Arsham

29 março 2009

Carro de assalto (Top Gear)


Opinião no NYT


PANDEMIC 2: If you've ever had a desire to create a disease to destroy mankind, please use this game to fulfil that desire rather than using the real world!

28 março 2009



Pub viral

Exposição a ecrãs

8 Hours a Day Spent on Screens, Study Finds: In a world with grocery store television screens, digitally delivered movie libraries and cellphone video clips, the average American is exposed to 61 minutes of TV ads and promotions a day. [...]

In fact, adults are exposed to screens — TVs, cellphones, even G.P.S. devices — for about 8.5 hours on any given day, according to a study released by the Council for Research Excellence on Thursday. TV remains the dominant medium for media consumption and advertising, the study found. The data suggests that computer usage has supplanted radio as the second most common media activity. (Print ranks fourth.) [...]

Researchers at Ball State University’s Center for Media Design, who conducted the study for the council, say it is the largest observational look at media usage ever conducted. Rather than relying on what people remembered watching, researchers captured the actions in real time by shadowing 350 subjects — most of whom were former members of the Nielsen television ratings panel — and recording each person’s behavior in 10-second increments. The researchers say they recorded 952 days of behavior. People under 18 were not included in the study.

27 março 2009

Nos antípodas

Antipodes Map: See the other side of the world

26 março 2009


Why We Have Difficulty Recognizing Faces In Photo Negatives: a large part of the answer might lie in the brain's reliance on a certain kind of image feature. [via]

Liberdade de imprensa

How free is the press in your country?
(1 = totally restricted, 7 = completely free)
1 Denmark
2 Sweden
3 Netherlands
4 Germany
5 Norway
6 Finland
7 Switzerland
8 Israel
9 New Zealand
10 Canada
31 Portugal
Source: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey 2007, 2008

A ler, uma dúzia de textos

Rosen's Flying Seminar In The Future of News: a kind of flying seminar on the future of news, presented in real time.

A falta que um jornal faz

Fine, they'll just publish the newspaper themselves: Though people sometimes complained about the Carbondale Valley Journal, its demise came as a blow after 34 years as the mountain town's only newspaper.

Residents felt its loss in the dearth of information about local life: births, deaths, proposed developments, high school sports scores.

A friend of Rebecca Young's died and there was no obituary. [...]

So Young [who founded the newspaper in 1975] and six other residents started a new newspaper, the Sopris Sun, run as a nonprofit and staffed mostly by volunteers. [...]

"Isn't it crazy? Starting a newspaper now?" asked editor and reporter Trina Ortega, a former Valley Journal employee who has become the first paid member of the staff. [...]

"There was a void. Every town should have a park, a library and a newspaper."

Hyper-local News In The Post-Newspaper Era: Decentralized news-gathering processes can incorporate small contributions from a huge number of people who aren't primarily in the news business. You don't need to be a professional reporter to write a blog post every couple of weeks about your local city council meeting. Nor do you need to be a professional editor to mark your favorite items in Google Reader. Yet if millions of people each contribute small amounts of time to this kind of decentralized information-gathering, they can collectively do much of the work that used to be done by professional reporters and editors.

Telemóvel de barbear

Edgar Mueller

25 março 2009

Bruce Sterling sobre "mind bombs", livros, ficção científica e obsolescência dos media

Bruce Sterling - Prophet and loss: "I am a cult author; I don't write for the vast hamburger-eating, seething masses. I try to plant mind bombs - do the most damage" [...]

"I am not sure I am going to be allowed to do it. American publishing is in distress. The book stores are going, the big centralised publishers are very heavily indebted and they are small sections of the centralised American media apparatus that have lost social credibility." [...]

"If you read a piece of science fiction that is very accurate about future developments it makes you unhappy. When you read these books you wonder why nothing was done about these problems if you were able to predict them.

"It gives you a sense of helplessness." [...]

"I am not an industrialist. But it's up to me to talk about the loss. The future is obsolescence in reverse. And obsolescence is a big part of maturity.

"To understand that things happen you have to understand that things vanish. A lot of it deserves to be gone forever, but not all of it. I am especially worried that things disappear in thoughtless fashion."

Media sem pilotos

Media Companies Falling Behind in Digital Space: A new study from IBM reveals a "growing rift" between advertisers, consumers and content owners, as media companies "struggle to keep pace with" new demands from tech-savvy viewers and marketers. The study, which surveyed 2,800 consumers in six continents, as well as ad industry professionals worldwide, states that "media companies are falling behind in meeting the growing expectations of digital savvy consumers and the advertisers looking to reach them," and points to a "growing rift between advertisers and content owners, media distributors and agencies." IBM is calling on content owners to "fundamentally" change the way they deliver information to audiences. 

Every Airman is a Communicator: The Air Force Public Affairs Agency just published their New Media and The Air Force brochure, a guide to provide professionals with the knowledge they need to work online. It’s really an outstanding thorough guide, and a demonstration of how far mainstream America has come with social media. In the introduction the guide says, “If the Air Force does not tell it’s own story, someone else will.”


New Leadership Qualities You Need In This New World: It's no longer good enough to have great creative ideas without a grounding in the processes that bring those ideas to market efficiently. Leaders will have to have an instinct and appetite for innovation along with the skill and curiosity to develop the end-to-end capability that delivers efficiently. Neither will do on its own.

Here are four steps for turning your own personal leadership ability toward today's reality:

First, honestly check out what's missing from your personal leadership portfolio. [...]

Second, take an inventory of the people around you. [..]

Third, check out your ability to productively engage in debate and conflict. [...]

Fourth, don't go it alone.



24 março 2009

Bordado financeiro

Estratégia de Lisboa

Novo Ciclo 2008 - 2010 · Consolidar as Reformas

Domínio 1 Qualidade das Finanças e dos Serviços Públicos
1.1– Qualidade das Finanças Públicas
1.2– Modernização da Administração Pública
1.3– Melhoria dos Procedimentos Administrativos

Domínio 2 Um Ambiente Favorável para os Negócios, em Especial para as PME
2.1 – Dinamização de Investimento Estrurante
2.2 – Internacionalização
2.3 – Acesso ao Financiamento
2.4 – Promoção do Empreendedorismo
2.5 – Promoção de Boas Prácticas/Recrutamento do Mérito das PME
2.6 – Reforço da Competitividade do Turismo
2.7 – Plano Estratégico Nacional para a Pesca
2.8 – Dinamização do Mercado, Desenvolvimento do Mercado Interno e Regulação

Domínio 3 Melhor Sistema de Inovação e mais I&D
3.1 – Mais I&D
3.2 – Inovação
3.3 – Criatividade e Língua e Cultura Portuguesas

Domínio 4 Combater as Alterações Climáticas, Apostar nas Energias Renováveis e na Eficiência Energética
4.1 – Eficiência Energética
4.2 – Energias Alternativas

Domínio 5 Mais Mobilidade Positiva através das Qualificações, do Emprego e da Coesão Social
5.1 – Investir na Educação e Formação e Melhorar as Qualificações da População Portuguesa
5.2 – Promover a Criação de Emprego, Prevenir e Combater o Desemprego
5.3 – Promover o equilíbrio entre Flexibilidade e Segurança no mercado de trabalho e a melhoria das condições de trabalho
5.4 – Reforçar a Coesão Social

Domínio 6 Promover um Território Inteligente
6.1 – Driver Portugal logístico
6.2 – Política de Cidades
6.3 – Ordenamento do Território: infra-estruturas de Informação
6.4 – Requalificação e Valorização de Recursos Endógenos
6.5 – Água e Saneamento de Águas Residuais
6.6 – Infra-estrutura Digital – Banda Larga
6.7 – Rede Escolar


Siftables are cookie-sized computers with motion sensing, neighbor detection, graphical display, and wireless communication. They act in concert to form a single interface: users physically manipulate them - piling, grouping, sorting - to interact with digital information and media. Siftables provides a new platform on which to implement tangible, visual and mobile applications. [via]

Erik Johansson

Inovação e regiões (OCDE, 2009)

OECD Regions at a Glance 2009 is organized around four major themes and a special focus on regional innovation:
Part 1 - Focus on regional innovation
Part 2 - Regions as Actors of National Growth
Part 3 - Making the Best of Local Assets
Part 4 - Key drivers of regional growth
Part 5 - Competing on the Basis of Regional Well-being

Fumo passivo

Puma pub

Jason Powell

23 março 2009

A boa da videovigilância

Vidéosurveillance : un rapport biaisé: Le titre s’étale en “une” du Figaro: “Deux fois moins d’agressions grâce à la vidéosurveillance“. La preuve? Une étude (non publiée) du Ministère de l’Intérieur - qui s’apprête à lancer (ce vendredi) une campagne de communication sur la “vidéoprotection“ -, reposant sur des chiffres (biaisés) révélés par un journaliste* qui ne donne la parole qu’aux seuls promoteurs de la vidéosurveillance…

* On notera enfin que Jean-Marc Leclerc, le journaliste auteur de cet article, est par ailleurs membre du groupe de contrôle des fichiers policiers, une émanation du ministère de l’Intérieur présidée par Alain Bauer, qui préside également la Commission nationale de la vidéo-surveillance, chargée d’”animer” le plan de Michèle Alliot Marie.

Directiva de Retenção de Dados "inválida" na Alemanha

Administrative Court: Data retention is "invalid": As the first German court, the Administrative Court of Wiesbaden has found the blanket recording of the entire population's telephone, mobile phone, e-mail and Internet usage (known as data retention) disproportionate. [...]

(D)ata retention violates the fundamental right to privacy. It is not necessary in a democratic society. The individual does not provoke the interference but can be intimidated by the risks of abuse and the feeling of being under surveillance [...] The directive [on data retention] does not respect the principle of proportionality guaranteed in Article 8 ECHR, which is why it is invalid.

O caso do Wall Street Journal online

The case for charging to read WSJ.com: insights into why and how the Journal came to be the most prominent pay site on the web (by Bill Grueskin, former managing editor of WSJ.Com) [...]

I turned to my co-instructor, Peter Kann, former CEO of Dow Jones and the person ultimately responsible for the paid strategy.

“I made the site paid because I was ignorant, “ Kann told the class. “I didn’t know any better. I just thought people should pay for content.”

24 horas de edição

O ciclo diário da comunicação: A recolha de dados foi efectuada ao longo dos últimos meses. Desde Abril de 2008, foram analisados 622.293 micro-posts, ou tweets, de 3.552 contas no Twitter; desde Novembro desse ano fiz a contabilidade a 53.690 posts publicados por 520 blogs e a 74,776 notícias publicadas por 12 órgãos, incluindo televisão, rádio, imprensa diária, não diária e edição web.

Isto tem piada?

Recognising Eight Funny Patterns: According to evolutionary theorist Alastair Clarke there are only eight types of joke, eight patterns of humour that exist across all cultures regardless of creed, race, or personal taste, from the earliest souk to the Broadway stage. [...]

The patterns are positive repetition, division, completion, translation, applicative and qualitative recontextualization, opposition and scale.

“The eight patterns divide into two main categories,” explains Clarke, “The first four are patterns of fidelity, by which we recognize the repetition of units within the same context, and the second four are patterns of magnitude, by which we recognize the same unit repeated in multiple contexts.”

21 março 2009

A vida sem jornais

Esculturas de livros

3º aniversário do twttr

Twitter Turns Three: When Twitter was hatched, it was called “twttr”. Jack Dorsey, coding up the very first working version of the site, sent the first recorded message at 12:50pm PDT:
just setting up my twttr

How Twitter Was Born: The first version of @Jack’s idea was entirely web-based. It was created on March 21st, 2006. My first substantive message is #38:
oh this is going to be addictive

20 março 2009

A terceira vaga

The end of the free lunch—again: “IN RECENT years, consumers have become used to feasting on online freebies of all sorts: news, share quotes, music, e-mail and even speedy internet access. These days, however, dotcoms are not making news with yet more free offerings, but with lay-offs—and with announcements that they are to start charging for their services.” These words appeared in The Economist in April 2001, but they’re just as applicable today. [...]

Then it happened all over again, starting in 2004 with the listing of Google on the stockmarket, which inflated a new “Web 2.0” bubble. [...]

Now reality is reasserting itself once more, with familiar results. The number of companies that can be sustained by revenues from internet advertising turns out to be much smaller than many people thought, and Silicon Valley seems to be entering another “nuclear winter” (see article).



A ERC, a TVI, Moniz e Manuela

Queixas à ERC acusam a TVI de comportamento persecutório a Sócrates

Moniz reage à ERC: Recuso-me a acreditar que, independentemente do pecado político original que está na origem da formação da Entidade Reguladora, os seus membros alguma vez aceitassem ser cúmplices do amordaçamento da Comunicação social ou servos do Poder. Se assim fosse a situação não seria grave: seria gravíssima! E reclamaria um combate tremendo sem quartel.

ERC E MANUELA OU A TROVA DO RESPEITINHO: O comunicado da ERC que recebi há bocado e transcrevo para além de ser inédito só pode ser entendido como uma forma de pressão e isso é muito grave quando vem do órgão que pretende regular a actividade da comunicação social em Portugal.

ERC E MANUELA OU A TROVA DO RESPEITINHO - 2: É a primeira vez que a ERC faz um comunicado a dizer que recebeu umas queixas e que vai apreciar as ditas queixas. O que a ERC sempre fez, foi dar, e só, as conclusões e recomendações, se for caso disso, depois de as apreciar. Todos os jornais, todos, têm queixas. Imaginem o Telejornal que tem anos de existência...

[act.: Reguladores dos media desmentem Moura Guedes]

A crise vista pela TV

Coisas de browsers


19 março 2009

Design de páginas Twitter

25 of the Best Designed Twitter Homepages
A Small Gallery of Colorful Profiles from the Twittersphere (+ Things to Consider When Choosing a Color Theme)
Twitter homepage design competition closes. Great examples!

Um crime geneticamente perfeito

Twins Suspected in Spectacular Jewelry Heist Set Free: German police say at least one of the identical twin brothers Hassan and Abbas O. may have perpetrated a recent multimillion euro jewelry heist in Berlin. But because of their indistinguishable DNA, neither can be individually linked to the crime. Both were set free on Wednesday.

Notícia de 12 Dezembro de 1910

Fina subtileza, difícil equilíbrio

Sobre "O Relatório do Comité Europeu para a Prevenção da Tortura", escreve o MAI:
O CPT recomenda que seja instalado um sistema de vídeo vigilância nas áreas públicas, nas celas e nas salas para interrogação, com o objectivo de monitorizar a forma como os agentes de execução da lei tratam as pessoas detidas.

Tal como Portugal já informou o CPT durante a reunião final que teve lugar em Lisboa a 25 de Janeiro de 2008, a instalação de câmaras de vídeo vigilância nos locais de detenção das forças e serviços de segurança é uma questão complexa, tendo em atenção o quadro legal português em matéria de protecção de dados e o princípio geral de que os sistemas de vídeo vigilância envolvem restrições de direitos liberdades e garantias. Nesta matéria aplica-se, na falta de legislação específica sobre vídeo vigilância (existe lei específica para a actividade de segurança privada ou para a organização de competições desportivas), a Lei n.º 67/98, de 26 de Outubro, sobre protecção de dados pessoais.

Assim sendo, as autoridades portuguesas irão ponderar e avaliar a possibilidade de introdução de instrumentos de vídeo vigilância, tendo em conta o necessário e adequado equilíbrio entre as questões de privacidade e outras medidas que envolvam o tratamento de dados pessoais. Qualquer iniciativa neste sentido envolve necessariamente parecer e consulta da Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados que deverá apreciar as condições de legitimidade e definir as regras e condições em que estas câmaras poderiam ser utilizadas.
Parabéns ao MAI pela postura internacional e demonstrada preocupação pela privacidade. Leia-se agora este "Uns vigiam, outros ficam com o número de série"...

Propostas simples

A Simple Model for Online Journalism: As a four-year veteran of a journalism-driven local online media start-up, I believe there’s a very viable business formula that’s actually quite simple, and here today: take advantage of new tools and techniques to cover the news creatively and efficiently; sell sophisticated digital advertising in a sophisticated fashion; keep the Web content free, and charge a high price for content and interaction that are delivered in-person via conferences and events. And don’t expect instant results.

I’m not saying this model will be a “replacement” for newspapers, or provide stable, high-paying jobs for all the journalists who once worked at newspapers. Nor do I claim that it will, by itself, support all the forms of journalism that we want and need. But I do think the potential of this approach has been radically underestimated.

Paying for News: A Mega-Merger Thought Experiment: What would happen if some top English language journalism organizations simply merged and started charging for their breaking news and commentary about policy, economics and and other national/international topics. That is, what if they were to combine for critical mass and keep most of their journalism off the public Internet for a few days after publication but then make the archives freely available?

Twitter gera tráfego para sites de notícias

Although Twitter is a news source for many, it is also a source of traffic for news websites. During February, 9.6% of Twitter’s downstream traffic went to News and Media websites, and 41% of that went to the News and Media – Print sub-category, which is dominated by the newspaper sites.


E 2010 aqui tão perto...

Adrian Merz

Sam Spenser

O novo [site do] DN